Friday, June 24, 2011

This week has been productive. I have spent each day in the office outlining and drafting my curriculum. I hope to have a full draft complete by next Wednesday. Today, instead of indulging you in an entry about my service, I thought I would share a short list of some my favorite parts about being in Kampala.
  • I love that I never know when I am going to encounter livestock. The other day I was walking up the hill to get home, around 20 beautiful cows delayed my journey by temporarily blocking the road.
  • I love both the freshness and the prices of fruits and vegetables. Last week, I bought about 10-15 tomatoes, 6 avocado, 6 eggplants, 14 mangoes, 2 pineapples, 2 clusters of bananas, 3 green peppers, and 5 onions for 20,000 Ugandan schillings, which is less than $10.
  • I love that you never know what you are going to see on the back of a boda boda (motorcycle taxis). I have seen everything from a goat, dozens of chickens, and giant fish hanging from the back of Bodas. The one thing that I do not like to see on bodas are children. This is very common to see. Sometimes, a child will be sitting in front of the driver so it looks like he is navigating. For a moment, this always seems adorable but then I start thinking about safety.
  • Finally, I love how laid back people are in Kampala. It is such a change of pace from the US
Hope that gives you some insight into why I enjoy Kampala.

- Feldman

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